An overview of the rally on December 8, 2023 in front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic

Marina Hanke, a member of the Vienna City Council from the Austrian Social Democratic Party, speaks about the women, life, freedom movement and the naming of a street in Vienna after "Mahsa Amini": "This struggle is for freedom, for democracy, and above all, for determining the destiny. We want to dedicate a place in our city for the Mahsa Amini movement forever to show solidarity with all brave protesters as the city of Vienna." (quoted from Deutsche Welle News Agency)

Dolores Bakos, the spokesperson for the women for NEOS party, adds that it is concerning and unacceptable that many people, especially women, are subjected to violence, arrest, torture, and murder by the "cruel and ruthless regimeā€. Bakos emphasizes, "Solidarity means cooperating for freedom and justice, as freedom is indivisible and goes beyond the borders of a country." (quoted from Deutsche Welle News Agency)

Over the past year, we have witnessed the participation and support of various political parties in Europe and Austria in the women, life, and freedom movement. Regardless of the results of these collaborations, which encompass a wide range of political reasons and motivations, let's take a closer look at the other side of the coin, namely the Iranian society.

The Iranian diaspora, operating in a completely safe and free space for expressing their views, engaging in political support activities for the Mahsa movement, undoubtedly plays a significant role in the activism of the internal Iranian struggle. However, the recent decline in public participation cannot be solely attributed to a superficial reduction in anti-regime activities inside Iran, given the internal challenges the country is facing.

Certainly, addressing the existing controversies, the lack of dialogues resulting from non-engagement with less significant points, and not delegating the resolution of issues and examination of opinions to an appropriate time and place have had no insignificant impact on reducing participation.

It is not logical to believe that differences in taste are insignificant, but sound reasoning suggests delegating the examination of differing opinions to an appropriate time and place. In the unequal struggle against the Islamic Republic, we have so far stood relying solely on capabilities and sacrifices. Despite the efforts of political activists, we have not had sufficient and effective support from international communities along this path.

In the effort to gain the cooperation of various political parties and convince parliaments to join in the fight against the Islamic Republic, the efforts of our compatriots have been made day and night, sometimes effectively and for political reasons, and at other times without results.

If, at some point in the struggle, despite all the efforts made, some politicians join us to amplify our revolutionary voice, we must recognize our duty and demonstrate to the world that months and years cannot deter us from our goal of eliminating the Islamic Republic. Let's tell the world that the massive demonstrations outside the country in October and the months that followed in 2022 were not just emotional but a genuine and 44-year-old demand of ours; a demand that the passing of time does not discredit.

Let's show the world, and each other, that the young individuals who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Iran will never be forgotten. This path is not an end but a path to victory. Let's tell ourselves that in the liberated future of Iran, there is no "I," but it is "we" who are forming tomorrow.

admin 2023-12-10

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