
What is going on the sidelines of the Mahsa movement

Marina Hanke, a member of the Vienna City Council from the Austrian Social Democratic Party, speaks about the women, life, freedom movement and the naming of a street in Vienna after "Mahsa Amini": "This struggle is for freedom, for democracy, and above all, for determining the destiny. We want to dedicate a place in our city for the Mahsa Amini movement forever to show solidarity with all brave protesters as the city of Vienna." (quoted from Deutsche Welle News Agency)

Dolores Bakos, the spokesperson for the women for NEOS party, adds that it is concerning and unacceptable that many people, especially women, are subjected to violence, arrest, torture, and murder by the "cruel and ruthless regime”. Bakos emphasizes, "Solidarity means cooperating for freedom and justice, as freedom is indivisible and goes beyond the borders of a country." (quoted from Deutsche Welle News Agency)

Over the past year, we have witnessed the participation and support of various political parties in Europe and Austria in the women, life, and freedom movement. Regardless of the results of these collaborations, which encompass a wide range of political reasons and motivations, let's take a closer look at the other side of the coin, namely the Iranian society.

The Iranian diaspora, operating in a completely safe and free space for expressing their views, engaging in political support activities for the Mahsa movement, undoubtedly plays a significant role in the activism of the


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